A Very Villainous Hallowe’en


YOU are cordially, HORRIBLY invited to The Villain’s Theatre’s annual Hallowe’en party!

October 31, 8pm-midnight,
at the Atlantic Beer Institute – 1496 Lower Water Street, Halifax

Costumes, games, madness, dancing. Scares and thrills. Sturm and drang. Much fun (and libations) to be enjoyed. No Hallow will be left Un-Eved. The Villain’s Theatre may be getting older, but we haven’t even started thinking about growing up. We take Hallowe’en very seriously (hence the apostrophe in “Hallowe’en”).

Over the past five years, the Villain’s Theatre has brought ghosts, werewolves, murders, dances of death, and decadent masques to Halifax. Now, WE invite YOU to help keep this tradition alive by donning your very best costume and joining us in an evening of dark and delicious revelry.

And don’t despair: our annual COSTUME CONTEST is still alive and well! PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES!

Snacks. Spooooooky Silent Auction. Beers.

Tickets are BY DONATION (suggested donation $10), but RSVPing is much appreciated! To rsvp, email info@villainstheatre.com.