Open Audition Call


A new musical by Evan Brown and Garry Williams

Click here to view this call in pdf format.

The Villains Theatre is seeking submissions of interest for a new musical, Rain on the Parade, which will be taking place at the Neptune Scotiabank Studio Theatre, June 19-25 2023. We are looking for performers from all backgrounds and of all ages and genders. This project is open to CAEA and non-CAEA performers


Audition times:  Auditions will take place in 10 minute slots on
Sat April 15 – 9am-1pm and Sun April 16 – 1pm-7pm

We are asking for auditionees to prepare a classical monologue, a song, or song excerpt (accompanied or not) and if possible a second contrasting song or song excerpt (accompanied or not). A keyboard will be available at the auditions. Each piece should be roughly 1-3 minutes. We will also be doing a singing range test with auditionees, and would love to know if you play any instruments. There is NO requirement for the songs and monologue to be memorized in advance – on-book is fine

Auditions will take place at the Bus Stop Theatre Community Room, which is a space at the back/basement of the Bus Stop Theatre, accessed off 2268 Maitland Street. For accessibility details for the space, please click here.

Auditions will take place in-person, however if you are unable to make the audition dates or cannot attend in person for accessibility reasons, we will accept virtual submissions as well.


By auditioning, you are confirming that you are available for:

May 5-7 and May 11-13: Six workshop days (likely 10am-6pm)

May 22 – June 18: Four weeks of rehearsal 

(Rehearsals will be 30 hours per week, likely 10am-4pm Tues-Sat, and may increase slightly during tech week/the final week of rehearsals.)

June 19 – 25: One week run with nightly performances and weekend matinee

Payment: Performers will be paid $800/week for 6 days of workshopping, 4 weeks of rehearsal, and 1 week of performance, for a total of $4,800 (HST included). CAEA members’ fees will be subject to standard CAEA deductions.

Please click here to sign up to audition.

Or go to this link:
If you are not able to access Google Forms,
please email us a headshot and resume to
along with your preferred audition date
and any access rider information you would like to share