Playwright: John Lyly
Director: Colleen MacIsaac
Assistant Director/Set & Lighting Designer: Matthew Downey
Stage Manager: Tessa Pekeles
Costume Designer: Jordyn Bochon
Composer/Accompanist: Jenny Trites
Producer: Dan Bray
the CAST
Jessica Barry: Venus/Telusa
Sarah-Jean Begin: Phillida
Jozel Bennett: Melebeus/Eurota
Dan Bray: Rafe/Neptune
Shanlon Gilbert: Gallathea
James McLean: Cupid/Peter
Melanie Patten: Diana/Mariner/Hebe
Jesse Robb: Tyterus/Alchemist/Astronomer
"One of the top plays of 2014" – The Coast
“Sometimes a play just makes your heart sing, and this 16th-century script did that for me. It was beautifully staged and filled with memorable, quirky performances. It conveyed a simple but important message: love is love.” - Kate Watson, The Coast
Supported by the City of Halifax.