Written by Thomas Middleton
Director: Dan Bray
Assistant Director: Luciana Fernandes
Stage Manager: Alison House
Music Director: Mike Chandler
Lighting Designer: Matthew Downey
the CAST
Heather Beresford: The Duchess
Mike Chandler: The Duke
Tarah Lee Coates: Ghost
Jocelyn Conway: Castiza
Andrew Davies: Sordido
Edward Finigan: Officer, Dondolo
Eric Fitzpatrick: Spurio
Daniel Gervais: Junior Brother, Servant
Alison House: Judge
Sebastien Labelle: Hippolito
Jimmy MacDonald: Lussurioso
Padraigh MacDonald: Ambitoso
Colleen MacIsaac: Peiro
Elizabeth McCarthy: Gratiana
Keith Morrison: Keeper
Robert Murphy: Supervacuo
Chris O’Neill: First Lord
Matthew Peach: Vindice
Jesse Robb: Antonio
Claire St Francois: Second Lord
Chloe Sullivan: Ambitioso’s Henchman
Zara Tufts: Nencio